Course Description:
The Complete Concussions Primer Course provides clinicians with the initial, evidence-based understanding of concussion pathophysiology and the most recent international consensus statement to get your feet wet in the concussion care space.
This course covers a sneak peak at the first 2 modules of the Full Complete Concussion Course for Physical Therapists, which has been called “THE” concussion course for rehabilitation professionals. The full course has over 40 hours of coursework, however in the Primer course there is over 4 hours of concussion education!
In Module 1, you will learn:
-The epidemiological research around where concussions are happening most frequently as well as the healthcare, insurance, and societal costs associated
-A breakdown of the most recent International Consensus Statement on Concussion in Sport (Berlin Consensus Statement)
In Module 2, we cover the Pathophysiology of Acute Concussion. In this module, you will learn:
-The Neurometabolic Cascade of Concussion
-How concussion affects cerebral blood flow and can disrupt the autonomic nervous system
-Metabolic vulnerability and second impact syndrome and the importance of appropriate return to sport decisions
The full Complete Concussions Course for Physical Therapists is based on over 2000 of the most recent peer-reviewed scientific publications, this 40+ hour course leaves no stone unturned. If you want to know everything there is to know about the assessment, testing, diagnosis, management, and treatment of concussion, Complete Concussions is where you come.
You will have the ability to take the full concussion course after completing the this Primer course.
View our full course itinerary below or click here.
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